
[Colloquium] Jiasheng Huang: Extreme Red Galaxies in the JWST era: New Dust Extinction law vs New Galaxy Formation Theory

国台学术报告2022第5次/NAOC Colloquium No.5 2022
报告题目/Title Extreme Red Galaxies in the JWST era: New Dust Extinction law vs New Galaxy Formation Theory/JWST时代的极红星系:尘埃吸收vs星系质量
报告人/Speaker Prof. Jiasheng Huang (NAOC)
报告时间/Time Wednesday 2:30 PM, September 14, 2022
报告地点/Location A601, NAOC & Live Streaming
主持人/Host Prof. Lijun Gou (NAOC)
报告语言/Language: English
报告海报/Poster Click to get the poster
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直播链接/Live Webcast: [直播地址]  https://dwz.mk/Jf6jU3
I will review the history of red galaxies in early time with ground base telescope survey data. The HST and Spitzer observsation opened a whole new window, and a new type of very red galaxies was discovered. Those galaxies were so red that they were not detected by HST even in a very faint level.  This discovery challenges out understand of galaxy physics and galaxy formation theory. The JWST has been in operation now, it has been detecting a lot more extreme red galaxies. It makes our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution more difficult.
Dr. Jiasheng Huang is an astronomer working on IR astronomy. He graduated from Nanjing University and obained master degree, and worked in the Beijing astronomical observatory theoretical group for three years. He went to Hawaii for Ph.D. After obaining his Ph.D. in 1997 and a very brief postdoc time working in MPIA in Heidelberg, he went to Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to join the Spitzer IRAC team as a senior astrophysicist  and a staff member in the center in 1999 . In 2012 he partly returned to NAOC to establish CASSACA/China-Chile Center for astronomy. He returned in full time to NAOC in 2014, and has been serving as chief scientist in CASSACA since then.
