
[Seminar]Chen Wang: Complicated life of massive stars: the effect of rotation and binarity

报告题目Complicated life of massive stars: the effect of rotation and binarity
报告人:王晨 (德国马克斯普朗克天体物理所)


讲座地点:国台A408腾讯会议366-510-062 (链接: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/JPitA9IUfCpv)

摘要: Massive stars are crucial in our understanding of many areas of modern astrophysics. Despite considerable efforts, there remain numerous unanswered questions regarding the formation and evolution of massive stars. Young star clusters are ideal laboratories to gauge stellar theory, because they are believed to be ensembles of co-eval stars with identical initial chemical compositions. However, recent high-quality Hubble Space Telescope (HST) photometry reveals that the main sequences (MSs) of young star clusters in the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) are split into several components. By studying these multiple MS components, we suggest that stars may predominantly form in close binaries with moderately fast rotation (~50% of critical velocities). Additionally, binary mergers that occurred early on can result in slowly rotating stars. These factors, including stellar natal spins and binary statistics, can have a significant impact on the entire life of stars, from their MS stages to their eventual explosions. 

报告人简介:王晨,本科和硕士毕业于南京大学天文与空间科学学院,博士毕业于德国波恩大学,目前在德国马克斯普朗克天体物理所从事博士后研究(MPA stellar fellow)。主要研究方向是恒星结构和演化,特别是双星系统的演化。通过对比一维恒星演化模型和观测结果,来研究恒星形成和演化过程中的重要物理过程和参数。

报告语言:中文 Chinese
